What we believe
What we believe determines our choices, our behavior, and the course of our entire lives. In today’s culture, there has been a rejection of absolute truth and an acceptance of any system of beliefs, no matter what they are. However, at Calvary, we believe that the Bible is a solid source of absolute truth upon which we can base our choices, behavior and lives, and we seek to sift all of our beliefs through the grid of God’s unchanging Word.
about the bible
The Bible is God’s Word, and it is absolutely true. II Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” That means that every part of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, were breathed out by God Himself. The principles in God’s Word apply to every area of life. Study and meditation on God’s Word help a believer thrive in His Christian walk and grow to be more like Christ.
about salvation
The main message of Scripture is clear: every person is a sinner and deserves death and hell (Romans 3:23), but there is hope through Jesus Christ. Because God loved man so much, He sent His Only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sin (Romans 6:23; John 3:16). When Christ, the Sinless One, died on the cross, He took the penalty for our sin.
Anyone who admits that he is a sinner, repents of that sin, and trusts in Jesus Christ as the only way to God will have eternal life and become a child of God. In the Book of James, we are warned that mere “intellectual” belief is not good enough. Genuine belief will affect all of life, including behavior and lifestyle (II Corinthians 5:17). Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9), but the Bible also makes it clear that true salvation is shown through a transformed life. Every genuine believer is secure in knowing that Christ has promised eternal life and will not break His promise, regardless of the faithlessness of man (John 10:27-28).
Anyone who admits that he is a sinner, repents of that sin, and trusts in Jesus Christ as the only way to God will have eternal life and become a child of God. In the Book of James, we are warned that mere “intellectual” belief is not good enough. Genuine belief will affect all of life, including behavior and lifestyle (II Corinthians 5:17). Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9), but the Bible also makes it clear that true salvation is shown through a transformed life. Every genuine believer is secure in knowing that Christ has promised eternal life and will not break His promise, regardless of the faithlessness of man (John 10:27-28).
about living in victory
Ephesians 5:18 commands believers to “be filled with the Spirit.” The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is developed in a life that is surrendered to the control of the Holy Spirit (who indwells believers at the time of salvation). A Christian is controlled by the Holy Spirit as he daily walks with God and strengthens his relationship with Him through heartfelt prayer and Bible study. A Christian grows and matures in his spiritual life as he yields to the Lord in each area of life, confessing and forsaking sin as it is revealed (I John 1:9). No Christian will reach a state of sinless perfection until he reaches heaven, but it is possible for a believer to live in consistent victory over sin in this life, and to always be growing spiritually.